Monday, July 15, 2013

I've Got Your Back: A Leadership Parable by James Galvin

I love books you can learn from that are written as parables. This book has the best of both worlds. One part is the fictional account of 4 people in their 20's who are having issues with their bosses and throughout the story you learn Biblical principals of leading and following well. The story moves along very well and the author really keeps you interested in each of the people involved. Then the second part expands on the story and principals and provides more insight and Bible references. He calls this section A Concise Theology of Leadership. When I saw this title I wasn't sure I wanted to read this section but I was very glad I did. He made Theology interesting. Also at the end there is a discussion guide which is great if you want to use this book in a small group setting. I would recommend this book for anyone interesting in being a follower or leader and really we are one or the other.

I was provided a copy of this book by Handlebar for a honest review.